Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia

Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Perempuan, Klang.

Aktiviti BSMM SJK(C) Perempuan Klang.

BSMM SJK(C) Perempuan Klang telah menjalankan aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran pembalutan pada perjumpaan BSMM yang lepas (25 Oktober 2014). Seramai 139 orang ahli dan 6 orang guru penasihat telah mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti ini.

Aktiviti ini mendapat sambutan dan respond yang amat baik daripada ahli BSMM SJK(C) Perempuan Klang.

Gambar-gambar yang diambil ketika aktiviti dijalankan:

Pengenalan Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia

The Malaysian Red Crescent (MRC) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to humanitarian acts and services. Voluntary in nature, it is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the world's largest independent humanitarian network. The Movement, as it is widely known as, is largely perceived as a “public good” – available to everyone, everywhere, to prevent and reduce human sufferings.

Presently one of 186 National Societies worldwide members of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, MRC runs programmes and activities in accordance with the spirit and requirements of its Incorporation Act of 1965 and the Movement's fundamental principles.

Our emblem – the Red Crescent – flies with pride as a symbol of trust and integrity and the ideals of the Movement are represented in Malaysia not just through the visible impact of our work but also by influencing hearts and minds of individuals to be more caring and compassionate.

Whilst is plays a crucial role in environments of danger where human safety is at risk, such as war and natural disasters it serves the community at peace time through first aid services and humanitarian programmes for the needy and helpless.

The Malaysian Red Crescent is proud to have helped Malaysians through disasters such as the riots of 1969, the Northern Region floods of 2010, the 2004 Tsunami that hit Acheh and subsequently Penang and more recently the insurgence in Lahad Datu.

MRC has also played a role in helping victims in other nations such as Palestine, Japan, Pakistan, Burma and China through raising relief funds and disaster recovery and first aid services.

Today the Malaysian Red Crescent comprises approximately 300,000 volunteers serving 13 branches in every state and the National Headquarters based in Kuala Lumpur. Amongst this are our youth volunteers from schools and institutions of higher learning throughout the nation.

On a global level, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement celebrate its 150th Anniversary this year with the theme: “150 Years of Humanitarian Action”.

Simultaneously the Malaysian Red Crescent celebrates 65 years in Malaysia.

Maklumat lanjut: Malaysia Red Crescent Official Website

7 Prinisp Asas Bulan Sabit Merah


Prevent and alleviate human suffering

Give priority to the most urgent cases of distress

Not take sides

Act in accordance with the RC principles

5.Voluntary Service
No desire of gain

One RC in one country and open to all


All RC have equal status and share equal duties

Ikrar BSMM

Bahawasanya kami, ahli Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia, berikrar akan, taat setia kepada, Duli Yang Maha Mulia, Seri Paduka Baginda, Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, serta permerintah-pemerintah, di negeri kami, berdasarkan kepada, prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara.

Bahawa kami berikrar, akan sentiasa patuh, pada perlembagaan, dan undang-undang, serta arahan persatuan, walau dimana kami berada.

Bahawa kami berikrar, akan sentiasa memberi, khidmat sukarela, kepada yang sakit, dan menderita, di waktu aman, atau bencana, berdasarkan kepada, prinsip-prinsip Bulan Sabit Merah seperti berikut :

Khidmat Sukarela

Lagu Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia

Bulan Sabit Merah di Malaysia
Giat berjasa untuk negara
Tidak kira kaum dan agama
Waktu aman atau bahaya
Di mana jua adanya sengsara
Di sana ada kita
Di darat dan laut kita bersedia
Walau diancam bahaya
Bulan Sabit Merah gerakan sedunia
Membantu semua yang menderita
Badan sukarela berkhidmat
Dengan tabah dan bersemangat